Customs Documents

Paperwork for Import and Export Outside the EU

When dealing with the import and export of goods outside the European Union (EU), different rules apply compared to trade within Europe. For instance, goods must be declared to customs, import duties often need to be paid, and additional excise duties, VAT, and other levies may be applicable. Given that Europe exports a significant number of products to countries outside the EU, it is important to understand the necessary procedures before transport can occur. Specific regulations also apply to imports. What considerations should importers and exporters keep in mind?

What to do with your shipment?

What to do with your shipment?

What should you pay attention to when sending a shipment? Make sure you use the correct HS code and declare the goods to customs in a timely manner. It is important to ensure that the HS code is correct for the product you are exporting. It is also important to fill in the CN22 form truthfully. The rules differ per country outside the EU, so it is not the case that a product that you want to export to America must meet the same requirements and rules as if you export a product to Africa. When importing products, it is wise to always take a good look at the HS code of the product and find out whether certain import duties have to be paid. In this way you will not be faced with surprises as an importer or webshop.