Customs Documents


Prepared or preserved salmonidae (excl. salmon and whole or in pieces)

Prepared or preserved anchovies (excl. whole or in pieces)

Fish, prepared or preserved (excl. fish whole or in pieces, preparations of surimi and salmonidae, anchovies, sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species scomber scombrus and of the species scomber japonicus and fish of the species orcynopsis unicolor, tunas, skipjack and other fish of the species euthynnus)

Prepared or preserved salmon (excl. whole or in pieces)

Prepared or preserved sardines, bonito, mackerel of species scomber scombrus and japonicus and fish of species orcynopsis unicolor (excl. whole or in pieces)

Prepared or preserved tunas, skipjack or other fish of genus euthynnus (excl. whole or in pieces)