Customs Documents

With a sugar content exceeding 13 % by weight

Cherries, with a sugar content of > 13%, preserved by sugar, drained, glacé or crystallised

Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruitpeel and other edible parts of plants, preserved by sugar "drained, glacé or crystallised", with a sugar content of > 13% by weight (excl. cherries, ginger, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, colanuts and macadamia nuts)

Guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, cola nuts and macadamia nuts, preserved by sugar drained, glacé or crystallised, with a sugar content of > 13% by weight