Customs Documents

Wine with a protected designation of origin (pdo) or a protected geographical indication (pgi)

Madeira and setubal muscatel, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi

Marsala, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi

Wines produced in eu, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi (other than port, madeira, sherry, marsala, samos, muscat de lemnos and setubal muscatel)

Port, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi

Samos and muscat de lemnos, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi

Sherry, in containers holding < 2 l and of an actual alcoholic strength of > 15% vol, with pdo or pgi