Customs Documents

Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products

Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions, incl. cermets, ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compound [euratom]

Spent "irradiated" fuel elements "cartridges" of nuclear reactors [euratom]

Uranium depleted in u 235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions, incl. cermets, ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in u 235, thorium or compounds of these products

Uranium enriched in u 235 and its compounds: plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions, incl. cermets, ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in u 235, plutonium or compounds of these products [euratom]