Customs Documents

Saturated monohydric alcohols

Butan1ol "nbutyl alcohol"

Dodecan1ol "lauryl alcohol", hexadecan1ol "cetyl alcohol" and octadecan1ol "stearyl alcohol"

Methanol "methyl alcohol"

Octanol "octyl alcohol" and isomers thereof

Saturated monohydric acyclic alcohols (excl. methanol "methyl alcohol", propan1ol "propyl alcohol", propan2ol "isopropyl alcohol", butanols, octanol "octyl alcohol" and isomers thereof, dodecan1ol "lauryl alcohol", hexadecan1ol "cetyl alcohol" and octadecan1ol "stearyl alcohol")

Butanols (excl. butan1ol "nbutyl alcohol")

Propan1ol "propyl alcohol" and propan2ol "isopropyl alcohol"