Customs Documents


Chlorprothixene (inn); thenalidine (inn) and its tartrates and maleates; furazolidone (inn); 7aminocephalosporanic acid; salts and esters of (6r,7r)3acetoxymethyl7[(r)2formyloxy2phenylacetamido]8 oxo5thia1azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct2ene2carboxylic acid; 1[2(1,3dioxan2yl)ethyl]2methylpyridinium bromide

Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. those with oxygen or nitrogen heteroatom"s" only, compounds containing in the structure an unfused thiazole ring or a benzothiazole or phenothiazine ringsystem or further fused, aminorex "inn", brotizolam "inn", clotiazepam "inn", cloxazolam "inn", dextromoramide "inn", haloxazolam "inn", ketazolam "inn", mesocarb "inn", oxazolam "inn", pemoline "inn", phendimetrazine "inn", phenmetrazine "inn", sufentanil "inn", salts thereof, other fentanyls and their derivatives, chlorpothixene "inn", thenalidine "inn" and its tartrates and maleates, furazolidone "inn", 7aminocephalosporanic acid, salts and esters of "6r, 7r"3acetoxymethyl7["r"2formyloxy2phenylacetamido]8oxo5thia1azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct2ene2carboxylic acid, 1[2"1,3dioxan2yl"ethyl]2methylpyridinium bromide, and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury)