Customs Documents

Fish of the families bregmacerotidae, euclichthyidae, gadidae, macrouridae, melanonidae, merlucciidae, moridae and muraenolepididae, excluding edible fish offal of subheadings 030391 to 030399

Frozen alaska pollack "theragra chalcogramma"

Frozen blue whiting "micromesistius poutassou, micromesistius australis"

Frozen coalfish "pollachius virens"

Frozen cod "gadus morhua, gadus ogac, gadus macrocephalus"

Frozen haddock "melanogrammus aeglefinus"

Frozen hake "merluccius spp., urophycis spp."

Frozen fish of the families bregmacerotidae, euclichthyidae, gadidae, macrouridae, melanonidae, merlucciidae, moridae and muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, alaska pollack and blue whiting)