Customs Documents

Chapter 97 works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques

Antiques of > 100 years old

Collections and collector's pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeontological, ethnographic or numismatic interest

Original engravings, prints and lithographs

Original sculptures and statuary, in any material

Paintings, e.g. oil paintings, watercolours and pastels, and drawings executed entirely by hand (excl. technical drawings and the like of heading 4906, and handpainted or handdecorated manufactured articles); collages, mosaics and similar decorative plaques

Postage or revenue stamps, stamppostmarks, firstday covers, postal stationery, stamped paper and the like, used, or if unused, not of current or new issue in which they have, or will have, a recognised face value