Customs Documents

Flat fish (pleuronectidae, bothidae, cynoglossidae, soleidae, scophthalmidae and citharidae), excluding edible fish offal of subheadings 030291 to 030299

Fresh or chilled lesser or greenland halibut "reinhardtius hippoglossoides, atlantic halibut "hippoglossus hippoglossus" and pacific halibut "hippoglossus stenolepis"

Fresh or chilled flat fish "pleuronectidae, bothidae, cynoglossidae, soleidae, scophthalmidae and catharidae" (excl. halibut "reinhardtius hippoglossoides, hippoglossus hippoglossus and hippoglossus stenolepis", plaice "pleuronectes platessa", sole "solea spp." and turbot "psetta maxima")

Fresh or chilled plaice "pleuronectes platessa"

Fresh or chilled sole "solea spp."

Fresh or chilled turbot "psetta maxima"