Customs Documents

Exceeding 47 % but not exceeding 72 %

Asiago, caciocavallo, montasio and ragusano, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Brie, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Camembert, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Cantal, cheshire, wensleydale, lancashire, double gloucester, blarney, colby and monterey, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Danbo, fontal, fontina, fynbo, havarti, maribo and samsø, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Esrom, italico, kernhem, saintnectaire, saintpaulin and taleggio, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Gouda, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Kefalograviera and kasseri, of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Maasdam of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)

Provolone of a fat content by weight of < 40% and a water content, by weight, of nonfatty matter of > 47% but < 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)